Saturday, December 20, 2008

Tips for Choosing a Guide for Alaska Halibut Fishing

Is it on? Have you finally decided to go on your dream vacation to Alaska? Alaska is great place. You’ve got so much to be in awe about when you’re there. In some places, it’s almost like unchartered territory just waiting for.

As you probably heard, Alaska is the last frontier for halibut fishing. Here, the fish are biting! Alaska halibut fishing is well known for this sport. During summer, the anglers who fly in bring with them the hopes of being able win in one of the many derbies that take place in the area. Winnings can go as high as over $30,000 if you’re really lucky.

If you’re ready to pack your bags and fly out, here are some tips you might find handy.

If this is your first time to go Alaska halibut fishing, it would be a very good idea to either join up with a more experienced group, of find a good guide. If you have friends who have tried Alaska halibut fishing, why not as them to refer you to someone? If not, you can most likely find some websites that offer fishing guides, fishing charters, and even fly in services.

Obviously, you cannot believe everything you read about, so it would be best to make your selection of the many choices in the internet, and start delving deeper into these companies.

Some companies that offer Alaska fishing charters and Alaska halibut fishing can give you testimonials, pictures, and maybe even a guide who can tell you what they can offer you through the phone. The best would be of course to ask the locals and local authorities for the accredited placed to go to.

You should try to find out the specific location of the each area because some may be too far to reach, and if you are going to have a limited vacation time, you might not want to spend the better half of it traveling somewhere.

Try checking what the weather will be like a few days before you travel. You might get stuck in bad weather and even be able to enjoy halibut fishing at all.

There are other pointers you should try to find out before you set on your Alaskan halibut fishing adventure.

Ask your guide about licenses. If you plan to go fishing, you will need a license. There are day license, 3 day license, one week license, and even an annual fishing license.

If you are joining a fishing charter, ask about the experience of the captain of the vessel. The last thing you want to have behind the wheel is someone who has very little experience, especially if you happen to run into bad weather.
Most fishing charters work on a minimum of 3 days depending on the area you want to, up to a week out on the water. Find out what your choices are before you get on the boat. You should know exactly what you are paying for so there won’t be any surprises later on.

Going on an Alaska halibut fishing vacation can be tremendous fun. The thrills you get from your first catch is so addicting, you will never forget it. In fact, you will probably want to go back for more.

Article by Fishing Tales. Stop by and get more info on Alaska Halibut Fishing.

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