Saturday, February 7, 2009

Thoughts on Worldwide Warming.

Is opening the Anwar State Preserve the solution to the USAs requests for reducing dependency on foreign oil producers? Perhaps - in 1948 when the Anwar was made into a State Preserve, the US consumption of oil was much less and based on those figures, there had been enough oil to last for at least fifty years. However, in todays economy and consumption rate - there's enough oil to last the US for ten months. S New technology has an answer to that and I am going to tell you about this shortly. Besides, more oil isn't the solution, it is simply a fix to the problem we face. I'm of the opinion that for many folks, millions of folk, times are tough. But, in my perspective, as someone that has lived and worked in that country, it's always been worthwhile. But, what makes Iceland so unique is its unspoiled nature and extraordinary landscapes. There are few places left on earth where the air quality is that good and the environment so pure. Why Iceland is sort of a good deal at the moment is a direct result of this worldwide commercial disintegration. The exchange rate is extraordinarily, really favorable for foreigners, particularly US and EU travelers. As of this A. M. , October twenty-two, 2008, the exchange rate for US greenbacks to Icelandic crowns ( called the kronur ) is sort of 118. That implies that each buck you spend is worth 118 crowns. If you went to dinner in Iceland and spent five thousand Icelandic crowns for your meal that dinner at the exchange rate of eighty would cost $62.

Also, airfares to Iceland are awfully competitive at this time. Besides, more oil isn't the solution, it is simply a fix to the trouble we're facing. We should certainly begin now to use, not just research, alternative fuel sources. The explanation should be to help our planet and our lives. Next, vehicle air fresheners will be deemed unsafe to gasp too.
Fishing for halibut

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